Prehistoric Burial Site Question

Human bones were discovered at the bottom of the cave by Cleon Turner in 1960. He thought early people had entered the cave from a tunnel and inhabited the cave. The bones were determined to be 2,600 years old. He created a skeleton with human and animal bones and they were on display in the cave for many years.
In 1988 Valerie A. Haskins wrote her Masters thesis on the remains found in the cave and other locations on the knob. Haskins theorized that some may have fallen through the sink hole. The bones were removed from display many years ago.

The bones were carbon14 dated on December 1, 1971. The image to the right shows the results. This is a delicate paper which can’t be removed from the frame, here is what it says:
Mr. Edd Foley
We have listed below the radiocarbon age we have determined on the sample you submitted for analysis.
- C14 Age in years B. P. Date – 680 B. C..
If you have any questions concerning these results, please contact us. We shall be happy to help in any way possible.
We hope this result will prove helpful in your work, and we look forward to serving you again soon.
Sincerely, James Buckey