Table of Contents of this site

I’ve tried to collect all of the historical information available on Crystal Onyx Cave. Many thanks go the Gwen Kern who did the research in the Glasgow library and found the newspaper articles.
Table of Contents

Page. Content – Click on the Page name to go to that page.
About. Scott, Sara, rebuilding the cave, map.
Article Dec. 5, 1966 newspaper article about the cave discovery
Back Door. Article from Mar. 4, 1974 about Ray Gossett opening the bottom entrance.
Bones. Information on the bones found and dated to 680 BCE
Cave Gallery inside pictures and a description of the tours
Cleon. Summary of the memoir by Cleon Turner of the cave discovery written in 1968.
Conservation – Description of the conservation efforts to protect the cave.
Discovery. Newspaper article from July 13, 1960 announcing the cave discovery.
Early History – stories of the settlement, civil war and 1870 storm.
Feature Newspaper feature article on Cleon and the cave.
Geology Discussion of the cave limestone, formations and chemistry.
Gift Shop. Pictures of the gift shop and items being sold
History Summary page of the newspaper articles and other historical info, including caving mishaps.
Home. Front page
Opening Newspaper article from June 18, 1965 about the grand opening.
Prices. Listing of the current ticket prices
More Info. Sculpture garden pictures and other galleries.
Retro. Then and now comparison pictures of cave features.
Road Cut. Article from July 17, 2001 of a person trapped in Road Cut cave.
Rogers. Article from Nov. 11, 1996 about a person rescued from Roger’s Discovery cave
Trapped Account by a person who was trapped in the “Wolf Trap” at the bottom of Goliath